It was now May and the thought of being 'stuck' in Maastricht was definitely not an unpleasant one. It was spring, the countryside was coming alive with song birds, sunshine, berries and beauty. I would spend the next - I want to say weeks - but apparently it's months basically just riding my bike in the countryside taking in the spring transformation. Stunning is the word, never got sick of the scenery.
While I've always been amazed by the natural world, this re-appreciation of nature during the 'crisis' was apparently quite widespread in the country with the news reporting many people beginning to revalue simple things such as clear skies (no planes) and the sound of birds (less background noise) and the smaller things often overlooked pre 'crisis'. Hopefully they don't forget!
The following photos were all taken in May in/ around Maastricht.

What a beautiful place, stunning captures 😍